Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"An Excerpt From A Qoutable Saying"

Shall I follow the stream or cross the sea,strive for a dream or let life be there is a place in you.Where nothing is impossible,whither thou go est, I will go;and where thou lodgest, I will lodge;tIny people shall be my people,and thy god my god.   

You call it a clan,call it a tribe,call it a family,whatever you call it,whoever you are,you need me.
we are caught up in a world dominated by data existing in the virtual reality of cyberspace,to the future has already arrived,It is just not evenly distributed yet.

For yesterday is but a dream,and tomorrow is only a vision,but today well lived makes every yesterday  a of dream happiness.And every  tomorrow a vision of hope.
so hold on to the instruction, do not let it go,guard it well for it is your life.

My dear old village,every memory of home and store pieces of life. A thorn,for you,too,my fleas the night passes
so slowly.
But you wouldnt be lonely because of me

                                                                          Mr.Brian Nicole_99

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